Endnote 2 – The Divine Warrior in His Tent
The Tabernacle’s exact specifications are unclear. While most scholars believe the structure measured 30 cubits in length and 10 in width, Richard Friedman and Yohanan Aharoni argue for a smaller reconstruction (20 x 6 cubits) in which the Tabernacle frames/boards overlap; see Friedman, “The Tabernacle in the Temple,” Biblical Archaeologist 43 (1980), pp. 241–248, and “Tabernacle,” in The Anchor Bible Dictionary, 6 vols. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1992), vol. 6, pp. 292–300. See also Aharoni, “The Solomonic Temple, the Tabernacle and the Arad Sanctuary,” in Orient and Occident, ed. Harry A. Hoffner (Neukirchen: Neukirchener, 1973), pp. 1–7.