Endnote 2 – This Place Is for the Birds
The number and technological sophistication of underground dovecotes reached their peak in this area, particularly at Maresha and its surroundings (see A. Kloner, “Maresha,” Qadmoniot 95–96 [1991], pp. 72–73 [Hebrew]; A. Kloner, Maresha Excavations Final Report I, Subterranean Complexes 21, 44, 70 [IAA Reports 17] [Jerusalem, 2003]. For bibliography see Boaz Zissu, “The Dovecote at Ḥorvat ‘Eleq,” in Yizhar Hirschfeld, Ramat Hanadiv Excavations: Final Report of 1984–1998 Seasons (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 2000), pp. 617–626.