Gardiner, Egyptian Grammar, p. 75, n. 10. Further evidence of this style, where an inscription surrounds an icon and the phrase ends with a royal title, can be found as follows: A scarab from the period of the New Kingdom found in Tell el Ajjul reads ḫpr-rcnt̠r nfr ̣ḥk3, or prenomen (the name borne by the king before his ascension to the throne) of Tuthmosis III, “beautiful god, ruler,” (i.e., the king). See Giveon, Egyptian Scarabs from Western Asia, p. 100, no. 116 L. 976. Similarly, a scarab found in Gezer in the New Kingdom period has the following inscription: mn-h E;prw-rcmr Thot nb, prenomen of Tuthmosis IV “beloved of the god Thot, Lord.” Giveon, Egyptian Scarabs, p. 124, no. 47, 104909. See also bulla 84527 and 84884 of Shabako, king of the XXVth dynasty, c. 716–695 B.C.E., in Giveon, Egyptian Scarabs, p. 166. Likewise, inscriptions on Amun-Re scarabs end with the word, nb, Lord; Giveon, Egyptian Scarabs, p. 44, no. 65 L. 612; p. 52, no. 90 L. 672 and many more.