At one time I argued (“Jewish ‘Sympathizers’ in Literature,” pp. 200–208) that the reference to those who worshipped God is to pious Jews, remarking that if Josephus were referring to “sympathizers” he would have written ton sebomenon, as required by the strict rules of grammar; but I am now convinced by Marcus’s argument (Ralph Marcus, “The Sebomenoi in Josephus,” Jewish Social Studies 14 [1952], pp. 247–250) that the reference is to the “sympathizers,” since it is hard to understand why Josephus would mention Jews throughout the habitable world and then refer to them as “even” (which would be required by this translation) coming from Asia and Europe (omitting Africa, incidentally). It seems more likely that Josephus is distinguishing between the Jews of the habitable world on the one hand and the “sympathizers” from Asia and Europe who reverence God, on the other hand. Of course, the fact that in this one case the “sympathizers” are referred to as sebomenoi ton theon, the same wording as that found in Acts, in no way proves that this is a technical phrase.