Inverted-rim bowls with a beveled outer edge and chocolate-on-white ware begin appearing with regularity in this phase (Jericho 4, figs. 104:3; 105:4, 18; Jericho 5, figs. 168:1, 9, 15; 169:6). They are both diagnostic types for the MB III period (Lawrence E. Toombs and Wright, “The Fourth Campaign at Balatah [Shechem],” BASOR 169 [1963], p. 51; Amiran, Pottery, pp. 158–159; Joe D. Seger, “Two Pottery Groups of Middle Bronze Shechem,” in Wright, Shechem: Biography of a Biblical City [New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965], p. 236; Seger, “The Middle Bronze II C Date of the East Gate at Shechem,” Levant 6 [1974], pp. 123, 130; J. B. Hennesy, “Chocolate-on-White Ware at Pella,” Palestine in the Bronze and Iron Ages: Papers in Honour of Olga Tufnell, ed. Jonathan N. Tubb (London: Institute of Archaeology, 1985]).)