Endnote 36 – The Exodus from Egypt: Myth or Reality?
For Transjordan, note B. MacDonald, The Wadi el H|asµa Archaeological Survey 1979–1983, West-Central Jordan (Waterloo, Can: Wilfrid Laurier University, 1988), pp. 11, 168–189, with one LB site, 6 transitional LB–Iron sites and 33 Iron I sites, not counting the 13 sites listed as transitional from Iron I to Iron II or the 16 undifferentiated Iron Age sites. Further, P. E. McGovern, The Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages of Central Transjordan: The Baq‘ah Valley Project, 1977–1981 (Philadelphia: University Museum, Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1986), pp. 340341; J. M. Miller, Archaeological Survey of the Kerak Plateau (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1991), pp. 193–197; Israel Finkelstein, “Edom in the Iron I,” forthcoming in Levant. For discussion of Iron I Moabite toponymy in dialogue with biblical place-names, see Miller, “The Israelite Journey through (around) Moab and Moabite Toponymy,” Journal of Biblical Literature 108 (1989), pp. 577–595. For Cisjordan, see Finkelstein, The Archaeology of the Israelite Settlement (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1988); “The Land of Ephraim Survey 1980–1987: Preliminary Report,” Tel Aviv 15–16 (1988–1989), pp. 117–183; Adam Zertal, “The Israelite Settlement in the Hill Country of Manasseh,” Ph.D. dissertation (Tel Aviv University, 1986).