R.F. Johnson, “Jethro,” in The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, 4 vols. (Nashville: Abingdon, 1976), pp. 896–897. For a brief discussion of various other options, see John I. Durham, Exodus, Word Biblical Commentary (Waco: Word, 1987), p. 22. Note also that one Septuagint manuscript adds “Jethro” to Exodus 2:16 and replaces “Reuel” with “Jethro” in 2:18, in an apparent attempt at harmonization. This leads Brevard S. Childs to use the name Jethro throughout his discussion of the Midianite priest in Exodus 2 (The Book of Exodus, Old Testament Library [Philadelphia: Westminster, 1974], pp. 28–33). Note also that the name “Jether” appears in Exodus 4:18. However, almost all scholars view this as a variant reading of Jethro.