Endnote 4 – The Gospel of Thomas
Coptic Gnostic Papyri in the Coptic Museum of Old Cairo, vol. 1 (Cairo: Government Press [Antiquities Department], 1956). Within a year, the East German scholar Johannes Leipoldt had published a German translation of the Gospel of Thomas (“Ein neues Evangelium: Das Koptische Thomasevangelium übersetzt und besprochen,” Theologische Literaturzeitung [TL] 83 [1958], cols. 481–496; reprinted in Koptisch-gnostische Schriften aus den Papyrus-Codices von Nag Hammadi, Theologische Forschung 20, ed. Johannes Leipoldt and Hans-Martin Schenke [Hamburg-Bergstedt: Reich and Evangelischer Verlag, 1959]). The Coptic text was published a year later with French, German and English translations. (The Gospel According to Thomas: Coptic Text Established and Translated, ed. A. Guillaumont et al. [Leiden: Brill, 1959]). A flurry of scholarly activity soon followed.