These are not the only anomalies and “mistakes” in these two systems. As the curved tunnel reaches the top of Warren’s Shaft, the ceiling is unnecessarily high—over 20 feet; it is also unnecessarily wide—about 13 feet. Hollowing out this unnecessary space would entail hewing enormous volumes of rock. Warren’s Shaft itself raises additional questions. The approach to the top of the shaft is not simply inconvenient; it is outright dangerous. Clearly an artificial platform of some kind was needed to provide a safe approach. The walls of the shaft are very irregular and are dotted with indentations and protrusions—hardly the work of careful hewers. The protrusions would obstruct a bucket being lowered. The clear drop along the entire central axis of the shaft is very small. A ledge about 23 feet down from the top is especially difficult to maneuver around. During the Parker mission (Neil A. Silberman, “In Search of Solomon’s Lost Treasures,” BAR 06:04), the workmen clearing the tunnel below used Warren’s Shaft to bring up the mud and debris and dispose of it through the exit tunnel. They built a wooden platform that allowed them to lower a bucket on a pulley at a point where there was a direct drop down the shaft. Even so, the bucket kept “hitting the sides all the way, making a dreadful fuss as it came through the narrow part” (Louis-Hugues Vincent, Underground Jerusalem: Discoveries on the Hill of Ophel [1909–11], p. 16). Finally, they placed a workman on a plank about halfway down the shaft to guide the bucket through the narrow part of the shaft. This is some indication of how difficult it must have been for the original users of Warren’s Shaft. Similar anomalies abound in Hezekiah’s tunnel. For example, the ceiling varies in height from 4.75 feet to over 16 feet.