Endnote 6 – Saving the Aramaic of Jesus and the Jews
See Yona Sabar, “Yona Gabbay, A Jewish Peddler’s Life Story from Iraqi Kurdistan, as Narrated by Him in His Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Zakho (Four Episodes),” Mediterranean Language Review 16 (2005), pp. 167–220; Yona Sabar, “A Folktale and Folk Songs in the Christian Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Tel-Kepe (Northern Iraq),” in Riccardo Contini et al., eds., Semitica: Serta philologica Constantino Tsereteli dicata (Torino: Silvio Zamorani, 1993), pp. 289–298; Yona Sabar, “Romantic Songs in Christian Neo-Aramaic as Preserved in Kurdistani Jewish Folklore: A Case of Cultural Borrowing,” Journal of Assyrian Academic Studies 24.2 (2010), pp. 1–10; Yona Sabar, “Multilingual Proverbs in the Neo-Aramaic Speech of the Jews of Zakho, Iraqi Kurdistan,” International Journal of Middle East Studies 9.2 (1978), pp. 215–235.