For Tell Leilan and its archives, see J. Eidem, Annales Archéologiques Arabes de Syrie 38/39 (1987–1988), pp. 110–127; and Eidem’s contribution in Revue d’Assyriologie 85 (1991), pp. 109–135. For the Treaty of Till-Abnu of Leilan with Assyria, see Eidem in D. Charpin and F. Joannes, eds., Marchands, Diplomates et Empereurs (Paris: Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 1991), pp. 185–207. For more information on Mari treaties, see in Marchands, Diplomates et Empereurs, D. Charpin, pp. 139–47 and F. Joannes, pp. 167–70 and 176–77; see also J.M. Durand in L. de Meyer, H. Gasche and F. Vallat, eds., Fragmenta Historiae Elamicae (Paris: Editions Recherche, 1986), pp. 111–28. Fuller publication of the Tell Leilan texts is awaited.