Footnote 3 – BARview: Failure to Publish Dead Sea Scrolls Is Leitmotif of New York University Scroll Conference
Publication of Dead Sea Scroll materials is under the jurisdiction of other committees as well, which to some extent, operate in the same way.
Apparently at one point the Jordanian authorities or the trustees of the Palestine Archaeological Museum sold publication rights to Dead Sea Scroll materials (See John Allegro, The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Reappraisal [Baltimore: Penguin, 1964], p. 49). The Royal Academy of Amsterdam purchased the right to publish some scroll materials, and a Dutch committee has assumed jurisdiction over their publication. The American Schools of Oriental Research, with the help of a gift from Elizabeth Hay Bechtel purchased the right to publish some scroll materials whose publication is under the jurisdiction of a committee of the American Schools of Oriental Research. In addition, the Israelis also have scroll fragments that do not fall under the jurisdiction of any of these committees.