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Gift of Esther D. Anderson, Edith and Harvey Bundy, Suzanne Dworsky, Leon Levy, Josephine L. Murray, Maurice Tempelsman, Emily T. and Cornelius C. Vermeule, Shelby White, Florence and Leonard Wolsky; and John H. and Ernestine A. Payne Fund. Courtesy of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
The bottom register of this 2-foot-high vase, in the Boston MFA, illustrates a Greek myth: The Sikyon king Adrastos orders Thyestes to hand over the baby Aigisthos, Thyestes’s son by his daughter Pelopeia (second from right, comforted by Adrastos’s wife), to be killed by exposure to the elements. This kalyx krater is the creation of the Darius Painter, who worked in Apulia, southeastern Italy, during the late fourth century B.C.