Coins minted by Roman procurators. Both the coin above, struck by Antonius Felix in 58 A.D. (the fifth year of Emperor Nero’s reign) and the coin below, struck by Antonius Felix in 54 A.D. (the 14th year of Claudius), were found at the foundation level of the Sukenik-Mayer wall.
According to E. W. Hamrick, these small coins make large holes in the argument that the Sukenik-Mayer wall is the Third Wall, built by King Agrippa I. The coins were struck in the 50s, and Agrippa ruled Judea from 41 to 44 A D.
Although Antonius Felix claimed to seek improved relations with the Jews of Judea, there was in fact great friction between him and the people, and the two sides of his coins present evidence of his two-faced attitude. On one side he stamped such Jewish symbols as palm trees and palm fronds and on the other provocative symbols of Roman rule—crossed shields and spears.