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Alexander Flinder
The island’s harbor. This relatively small (180 by 90 feet) pool of water at lower left lies next to the stillest part of the anchorage between the island and the mainland. An exposed, sandy bay was converted by Phoenician naval experts into this protected harbor by building an artificial sea wall, called a mole, between the bay and the anchorage. The island’s perimeter wall probably extended along the top of the mole, leaving only a narrow entrance open to the sea. Two towers, bonded structurally to the perimeter wall, remains of which are still visible at lower left, guarded the harbor entrance on either side (see plan); sand and rock today block most of the opening. Ships could find shelter in the anchorage outside the harbor and later unload inside it. Their goods were then shuttled to two landing stages (see plan and photos) on the mainland.
While diving underwater off Jezirat Faraun, the author noticed that the channel waters between the island and the mainland remained calm even when the open sea to the east and south was turbulent. This was his first clue that the channel had the natural characteristics of an anchorage.