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Duby Tal, Moni Harmati/Albatross
More secrets yet to yield, the massive stone circles of Rogem Hiri have generated controversy since they were first documented in a 1967–1968 archaeological survey of the Golan. Scholars agree that the circles, almost a third of a mile in circumference, with walls nearly 8 feet high and 10 feet wide in places, were built in the Early Bronze Age (3150–2200 B.C.E.), but differ on whether the central burial cairn was built at the same time or during the Late Bronze Age (1550–1200 B.C.E.). The function of the complex is less clear. Author Mattanyah Zohar believes that it was the burial site of a “Great Man” even in the Early Bronze Age (the construction methods of the tomb in the center hint that it covers a yet-undiscovered burial chamber) but that at the same time the complex served as a cultic gathering place for nomadic tribes.