Hazor layer by layer: A bewildering jumble of remains lies just inside Hazor’s six-chambered gateway. The earliest remains, in blue, include the corner of a Canaanite palace discovered by Yigael Yadin. (The palace and other Canaanite buildings will be the subject of part 2 of this article.) The first major building phase to follow the destruction of the Canaanite city occurred in the tenth century B.C.E. (in green), with the construction of the casemate wall, the six-chambered gateway and a large public building connected to the city wall by a paved street. The city wall and gateway remained standing throughout the ninth and eighth centuries B.C.E. In this later period (in orange), two tripartite buildings were constructed: one with pillars separating its three long narrow halls, the other, a storehouse, with solid interior walls.