The shape of the Holy. Author David Jacobson’s method for establishing the location of the Temple hinges on identifying the outer walls of the Temple Mount. Jacobson first noted that the southern and western walls meet at a 90-degree angle. He next sought to determine the northern terminus of the western wall. He drew a line from the northwest corner of the Temple Mount (upper left in the plan) to the southeast corner (lower right) and made a key discovery: The angle at lower right equals 60 degrees, a geometric measurement prominent in classical architecture. Even more startling was Jacobson’s discovery that the ratio of the length of the south wall to the length of the west wall is 1:1.73—the exact width-to-length ratio of Herod’s enclosure at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron. With the identification of these key geometric features, Jacobson had uncovered the signature of Herod’s architects.