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Giovanni Lattanzi
ON THE COVER: La Chiesa di Santo Sepolcro—or the Church of the Holy Sepulchre—located in Bologna, Italy, may offer modern tourists a better understanding of Jesus’ tomb shrine than they’ll gain by visiting the Jerusalem church of the same name, suggests Robert Ousterhout in “The Church of the Holy Sepulchre (in Bologna, Italy).” Over the centuries, the Jerusalem church, built by Constantine the Great in the fourth century on the traditional site of Jesus’ death and resurrection, has been reconstructed so frequently that the ancient remains are almost undetectable. Most of what visitors see there today dates to the Crusader period. But tucked away in the old section of Bologna, the 12th-century church shown here, with its white marble model of Jesus’ tomb and a lofty brick dome, attempts to replicate the Jerusalem church as it appeared before the Crusaders made massive alterations.