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NINE CONTENDERS for Emmaus lay scattered on ancient roads outside Jerusalem. Each is either (1) historically identified as Emmaus, such as Emmaus-Nicopolis since the fourth century and Emmaus-Quebeibeh and Abu Ghosh since the Crusader period, or (2) their names have vestiges of a Greek word similar to Emmaus, such as Motza. Emmaus-Nicopolis has both the earliest attestation as Emmaus and its Arabic name, Amwas, may preserve its ancient name Emmaus. Many of the sites have springs that led people to assume them to be Emmaus. All are at least 7 miles from Jerusalem and are located along a major ancient road. Emmaus-Nicopolis is by far the farthest from the Holy City, approximately 17 miles away. Could a site that far from Jerusalem be the ancient village of Emmaus?