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Gemaeldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden
The Expulsion of Hagar,” by Adrien van der Werfft (1659–1722). Fearing that Ishmael, the son of Hagar and Abraham, will encroach on the inheritance of Isaac, her son by Abraham, Sarah (in the shadows at left) urges Abraham to “cast out this slave woman with her son” (Genesis 21:10). Instructed by God to follow Sarah’s orders, Abraham sends away Hagar (right) and Ishmael, who drags his feet, unwilling to leave his father and half-brother. Abraham is at first reluctant to banish his eldest son, Ishmael, whom he had considered his heir. But God again rejects Abraham’s choice of inheritor, reminding him that “it is through Isaac that offspring shall be named for you” (Genesis 21:12)