Image Details

Victoria & Albert Museum, London/Art Resource, NY
“Now I know you are a man of God,” the widow (lower left) proclaims when Elijah restores her son to life (1 Kings 17:24). The son appears pale and dazed, but viable, in this oil painting (c. 1864) by Pre-Raphaelite artist Ford Madox Brown, now in London’s Victoria & Albert Museum.
According to a midrash (a Jewish elucidation of the biblical text), the prophet is able to revive the boy because he shares God’s power. In the Gospels, Jesus shares this same power when he resurrects Lazarus.
The Hebrew writing around the door in the background is the Shema’, the Jewish prayer given by God to Moses: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one” (Deuteronomy 6:4).