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Photo by Scala/Art Resource, NY
ON THE COVER: God looks down on his creation from the dome of Santa Maria della Pace, in Rome. Three cherubs surround him in this fresco by Baldassare Peruzzi (1481–1536). (The white triangle barely visible behind God’s head is a reminder of the Trinity.) God is the topic of three articles in this issue: Theologian Joseph C. Hough, Jr. urges Christians to recognize other religions as legitimate paths to knowing God (see “Ways of Knowing God”); Michael Carasik wonders if the all-powerful God is also all-knowing (see “Can God Read Minds?”); and Dominic Rudman delves into Mesopotamian rituals to explain just what the prophet Zephaniah means when he predicts that God will “famish” the false gods of other nations (see “When Gods Go Hungry”).