architrave (AR-key-trayve): the continuous, beam-like horizontal architectural feature—often decorated or inscribed—that rests on column capitals.
basilica (beh-SILL-eh-kuh): a large, multi-purpose public hall, typically consisting of a nave (see below), side aisles and a semicircular apse. An important influence on church, as well as synagogue, architecture of the fourth century and after.
cornice (CORE-nees): a prominent, continuous horizontal projecting feature surmounting a wall or other construction.
hypocaust (HlGH-peh-cost): a central heating system in which short column stubs support a floor and allow heat from an adjoining furnace room to circulate and heat the room above.
naos (NAY-os): the principal chamber of a classical temple; the shrine.
nave: the central aisle of a church, synagogue or temple, extending from the main entrance to the altar area; columns often flank the sides of a nave, separating it from parallel aisles of less height and width.
nymphaeum (nim-FAY-uhm): an elaborate fountain, sometimes decorated with statuary.
odeon (oh-DEE-on), also odeum: a small theater for musical or other performances; usually roofed.
palaestra (peh-LESS-tra): a colonnaded portico for training or exercise in wrestling or other athletics.
propylaeum (prop-eh-LEE-uhm): an impressive colonnaded vestibule or entrance to a temple area or other enclosure.
prostyle (PRO-style): a colonnaded gateway facade.
sacellum (seh-KELL-uhm): a small shrine.
stoa (STOW-uh): a long, covered portico, usually detached, that-is used as a promenade or meeting place.
stylobate (STIGH-leh-bate): a horizontal course of masonry forming the base for a row of columns.
tabula ansata (TAB-you-leh on-SAH-ta): a rectangle enclosing an inscription or a decoration, with a triangle on either side pointing toward the rectangle.