BAR scholarships are available to Arab and Israeli scholars to deliver papers at the Annual Meeting in 1993 and 1994. Each scholarship includes $800 toward transportation from the Middle East, $200 toward meals and lodging, plus the convention registration fee. Scholarships will be available to Arab nationals from Arab lands, to Israeli women who have obtained a Ph.D. within ten years of the date of application and to Israeli men and women who are Ph.D. candidates.

To apply for a BAR scholarship to the Annual Meeting, please write to us and give your background, your education and experience, the title of your proposed paper and a short description of its contents. You may apply for the 1993 Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., or for the 1994 Annual Meeting in Chicago. Responsibility for arranging a place on the program lies with the applicant.

Let us hear from you at Biblical Archaeology Society, Attention: Scholarship, 3000 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20008.