BAR Scholarships Available to Arabs and Israelis to Deliver Papers at Annual Meeting
BAR scholarships are available to Arab and Israeli scholars to deliver papers at the Annual Meeting in 1993 and 1994. Each scholarship includes $800 toward transportation from the Middle East, $200 toward meals and lodging, plus the convention registration fee. Scholarships will be available to Arab nationals from Arab lands, to Israeli women who have obtained a Ph.D. within ten years of the date of application and to Israeli men and women who are Ph.D. candidates.
To apply for a BAR scholarship to the Annual Meeting, please write to us and give your background, your education and experience, the title of your proposed paper and a short description of its contents. You may apply for the 1993 Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., or for the 1994 Annual Meeting in Chicago. Responsibility for arranging a place on the program lies with the applicant.
Let us hear from you at Biblical Archaeology Society, Attention: Scholarship, 3000 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20008.