The Walters Art Gallery in Baltimore, Maryland, has mounted the first-ever exhibition devoted solely to Books of Hours, on display from April 23 through July 17, 1988. A comprehensive, fully illustrated, 230-page catalogue, Time Sanctified: The Book of Hours in Medieval Life and Art, by Roger S. Wieck, with essays by Lawrence R. Poor, Virginia Reinburg and John Plummer, co-published by George Braziller, New York, and Philip Wilson/Sotheby’s, London, will accompany the exhibition. For more information, please call the Walters Gallery at (301) 547–9000. The catalogue may be ordered by sending $25.00 plus $2.50 for mailing to The Walters Museum Store (Maryland residents add $1.25 tax). The Walters Art Gallery is located at 600 North Charles Street in downtown Baltimore and is open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday.