The excavations at Mt. Gerizim exposed more than 400 inscriptions, some of which contain telling phrases indicating the existence of the Samaritan temple. Mostly written in Aramaic or Greek, some, however, were carved in Hebrew and in the paleo-Hebrew script of the First Temple period that was usually reserved in later periods for inscriptions of special holiness. One such inscription actually refers to the “[house] of YHWH” (image A). YHWH is the so-called tetragrammaton, or the four-letter personal name of the Israelite (and Samaritan) God Yahweh. The tetragrammaton was also found at Gerizim on a silver ring (B) that mentions “the one God.” A Hebrew dedicatory inscription (C) mentions the temple as well: “That which Joseph [son of X] offered for his wife and for his sons before the Lord in the temple.” A fragment of another paleo-Hebrew inscription contains the word cohen, or “priest” (D). Later Greek inscriptions from both the Hellenistic and Byzantine periods also support the presence of a holy site on Mt. Gerizim, including a sundial inscribed with the phrase “God Most High” (E).