Column 1

1. [ ] ……..

2. [ ] Lord

3. [ ] . [ ] .

4. [ f]or th[us sa]id the Lo[rd] I have betr[oth]ed you to me, garden

5. [ ]… ..[

6. and I will talk …. …. [

7. [ ] children of Israel …. [?]…[ ] …[ ] ….

8. son of David [?] ……[

9. [ ] the word of the Lor[d]

10. [ ] …. ….. ….. ….. you have asked … [?]

11. [?] Lord you have asked me, so said the God of Hosts

12. [ ] .. from my house Israel and I will talk about the greatness of Jerusalem

13. [Thus] said the Lord, God of Israel, now all the nations

14. … enc[amp] on Jerusalem and from it are exi[led]

15. one two three forty Prophets and the elders

16. and the Hasidim. My servant David, ask of Ephraim

17. [that he] place the sign; (this) I ask of you. For thus said

18. the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, my gardens are ripe,

19. My holy thing for Israel. By three days you shall know, for thus said

20. the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, the evil has been broken

21. before righteousness. Ask me, and I shall tell you, what is this

22. wicked branch, plastered white. You are standing, the angel

23. is supporting you. Do not fear. Blessed is the glory of the Lord God from

24. his seat. In a little while, I will shake

25. .. the heavens and the earth. Here is the glory of the Lord God

26. of Hosts, the God of Israel, These are the seven chariots

27. at the gate of Jerusalem and the gates of Judea they will re[st] for

28. my three angels, Michael and all the others, look for

29. your power. So said of the Lord God of Hosts, the God

30. of Israel. One two three four five six

31. [se]ven for my angels….. what is this? He said, the frontlet

32. …. [ ] …. ……. and the second chief

33. watches on.. Jerusalem …… three in the greatness

34. …………….. three [ ] …..

35. [ ] …. . that he saw a man … works [

36. that he …. [ ] that a sign from Jerusalem

37. I on …[ ] ashes and a sign of exile ..

38. [s]ign of exile ……. God sin … and see

39. …. … [ ] Jerusalem said the Lord

40. ………… ……. That his mist will fill most of the moon

41. [ ] blood that the northerner would become maggoty

42. [ ]abhorrence the diseased spot . in all

43. [ ] . God [

44. [ ] . [?]

Column 2

(There are no legible words before line 51)

51 with you (or: your nation) ….

52. .. the angels [ ] from … on [ ] ..

53. … and tomorrow to … they will rest … big .. .. ..

54. [by] three days this is what [I have] said He

55. these are [

56. please see the north[erner] enca[mps] [

57. Seal up the blood of the slaughtered of Jerusalem. For thus said the Lord of Hos[ts]

58. the God of Israel, So said the Lord of Hosts the God of

59. Israel [

60. … He will have pity .. His mercy are ne[ar]

61. [ ] blessed ? …

62. daughter ? …

63. …

64. [ ] …[ ] beloved ?

65. Three holy ones of the world from…. [ ]

66. [ ] shalom he said, in you we trust … [?]

67. Announce him of blood, this is their chariot.

68. Many are those who love the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel

69. Thus said the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel ….[?]

70. prophets. I sent to my people my three shepherds. I will say (?)

71. that I have seen bless[ing]… …. Go say(?)

72. The place for David the servant of the Lord [ ]…[ ] .. [ ]

73. The heaven and the earth, blessed …… [ ]

74. men. Showing steadfast love to thousands …. steadfast love. [ ]

75. Three shepherds went out for Israel … [ ]…

76. If there is a priest, if there are sons of holy ones ….[ ]

77. Who am I? I am Gabriel …….. [ ]

78. You will rescue them………….. for two [ ] …[ ]

79. from before of you the three si[g]ns three .. [ ]

80. In three days, live, I Gabriel com[mand] yo[u],

81. prince of the princes, the dung of the rocky crevices [ ]… ..[ ]

82. to the visions (?) … their tongue (?) [ ] … those who love me

83. to me, from the three, the small one that I took, I Gabriel

84. Lord of Hosts God of Is[rael] [

85. then you will stand …

86. … /

87. … world ?

The entire contents of this translation are Copyright 2008 by Israel Knohl. All rights reserved. For extensive quotes, written permission is required. Contact Israel Knohl only for permission.