General: Middot 3:6–4: 7; Wars, V, 5, 1–8 (184–247); Antiquities XV 380–425.

Splendor: Sukkah 51b; Baba Batra 4a; Tosefta Menahot 13, 19; Braitha in Pesahim 57a; Wars V, 5, 4 & 6 (208–213, 222–227).

Whitewashing: Middot 3:4; Sukkah 51b; Baba Batra 4a.

Dimensions and External Shape: Middot 4:6, 7; Wars V, 5, 4 & 5 (208–221); Antiquities XV 391, 393.

Portico Steps: Middot 3:6; Wars V, 5, 4 (207).

Facade and Portico Portal: Middot 2:3, 3:7. (In Wars V, 5, 4 (208) the height of the Portal is 70 cubits and its width, 25 cubits)

Golden Eagle: Wars I, 33, 2–3 (648–653); Antiquities XVII 149–155.

Portico Dimensions: Middot 4:7. (In Wars V, 5, 4 [207, 209] the excess is given as 20 cubits on either side; the Portico measurements are 20 cubits [depth] x 50 cubits [width] x 90 cubits [height].)

Cedar Beams Between the Portico Wall and the Sanctuary Wall: Middot 3:8.

Gilding of Portico Walls: Tosefta Menahot 13, 19.

Window Crowns on Sanctuary Facade: Middot 3:8. (Windows are mentioned in Codex Kaufmann, Cambridge, Parma-De Rossi 138, Paris 328–329, as well as in the Mishnah Commentary of the Rambam [ed. Kappah] and 1 Maccabees 1:22 and 4:57.)

Sanctuary Portal: Middot 4:1; Wars V, 5, 4 (211) (the height of the Portal is 55 cubits and its width, 16 cubits); Antiquities XV 394 (Latin version); Eruvin 2b.

Golden Vine: Middot 3:8; Wars V, 5, 4 (210); Antiquities XV 394–395 (Latin version); Tacitus; Historiae V. 5. 5; Florus, Epitoma I, 40:30.

Wickets: Tamid 3:7–8; Middot 4:2; Yoma 39b.

Door Panels: Gilded (Wars V 208); Tamid 3:7; Eruvin 10:11; Eruvin 102a.

Veil: Wars V, 5, 4 (212–214); Antiquities XV 394 (Latin version); Letter of Aristeas 86; 1 Maccabees 1:22; Antiquities XIV 105–109; Tamid 7:1; Tosefta Sheqalim 3, 13; Yoma 54a; Ketubot 106a Matthew 27:51.

Gold Lampstand: Yoma 3:10 and parallels; Yoma 37a and Braitha (ibid.) 37b; Jerusalem Talmud (JT) Yoma 3, 8, 41a.

Tables: Sheqalim 6:4; Menahot 99a, b; Tamid 31b; JT Sheqalim 6, 3.

Sanctuary and Holy of Holies Dimensions: Middot 4:6, 7; Wars V, 5, 5 (215) (60 cubits in height).

Curtains of Holy of Holies: Yoma 5:1; Sheqalim 8:4, 5 (for the correct version of Mishna 5, see: J. N. Epstein, Introduction to the Mishnaic Text [Heb.], p. 952); Tosefta Sheqalim 3, 15; JT Sheqalim 51b; Yoma 51b–52a; The Apocalypse of Baruch 10, 19; Pesikta Rabbati 26 (ed. Ish-Shalom 131a); Protoevangelium Iacobi 10, 1.

Gold Overlay in Sanctuary: Middot 4:1; Braitha in Pesahim 57a.

Sanctuary Vessels: Wars V, 5, 5 (216–218); Yoma 5:3; Tosefta Yoma 2, 12; Menahot 11, 5–6; BT ibid. 98b–99a; Yoma 21b; 33b; 51b–52a; JT Sheqalim 6, 3.

The Holy of Holies: Middot 4:5; Wars V, 5, 5 (215–219); Sheqalim 4:4; Tosefta Kelim, Baba Qama 1, 7; Tosefta Sheqalim 3, 6.

Even Hashtiya: Yoma 5:1, Tosefta Yoma 2, 14.

The Structure of the Ceiling and the Roofs: Middot 4:6.

Building Materials: Wars V, 5, 4 & 6 (208–213, 222–224; Sukkah 51b; Baba Batra 4a; Middot 3:4.

The Cells: Middot 4:3, 4; Wars V, 5, 5 (220); Antiquities XV 393.

Mesibbah and the Space for Draining Away the Water: Middot 4:5, 7.

The Upper Chamber: Middot 4: 5, 6; Wars V, 5, 4, 5 (209, 211, 221); Antiquities XV 393.

The Curtains of the Upper Chamber: Tosefta Sheqalim 3, 13–15; JT Yoma 42b; Yoma 54a.

The Parapet and the Scarecrow: Middot 4:6; Wars V, 5, 6 (224); Shabbat 90a; Menahot 107b; Eruvin 6a.