In our September/October issue, James Charlesworth of Princeton Theological Seminary reflects on how the scrolls revealed the diversity of Jewish thought from which Jesus and Christianity emerged, and Notre Dame’s James VanderKam relates what it was like being in the second generation of scholars, who inherited Scroll publication assignments from overworked editors like Józef Milik.
On the Web
An informative new section on our Web site,, complements our coverage of the scrolls in BAR. This section features an expanded photo gallery of key figures in Dead Sea Scroll history, supplemented with biographies; a cave-by-cave breakdown of which scrolls were found where and translations of selected scrolls; timelines of Scroll discoveries and of the ancient history relevant to them; a bibliography for further study; and a free e-book by BAR editor Hershel Shanks, The Dead Sea Scrolls and What They Really Say, which reviews the complex history of the scrolls and addresses three key questions: What do the scrolls teach us about early Christianity, about the Hebrew Bible and about Judaism? We will be adding material as our coverage continues.