King James Version

Concordance Title Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance1
Publisher/Distributor Baker (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
Date ———
Price $13.95
Concordance Title Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance2
Publisher/Distributor Broadman (Nashville, Tennessee)
Date 1978
Price $15.95
Concordance Title Cruden’s Concordance to the Old and New Testaments
Publisher/Distributor Revell (Old Tappan, New Jersey)
Date ———
Price $3.95
Concordance Title Cruden’s Complete Concordance
Publisher/Distributor Zondervan (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
Date 1976
Price $6.95
Concordance Title Cruden’s Handy Concordance
Publisher/Distributor Zondervan
Date 1963
Price $2.95
Concordance Title Bagster’s Keyword Concordance
Publisher/Distributor Revell
Date 1983
Price $5.95
Concordance Title Baker’s Pocket Bible
Publisher/Distributor Baker
Date 1973
Price $5.95
Concordance Title Holman Bible Concordance
Publisher/Distributor Holman (Nashville, Tennessee)
Date 1981
Price $3.50
Concordance Title Walker’s Comprehensive Bible Concordance
Publisher/Distributor Kregel (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
Date 1976
Price $10.95
Concordance Title Bible Student’s English-Greek Concordance and Greek-English Dictionary
Publisher/Distributor Baker
Date 1983
Price $7.95
Concordance Title Harper’s Topical Concordance
Publisher/Distributor Harper & Row (New York, New York)
Date 1976
Price $14.95
Concordance Title The Topical Bible Concordance
Publisher/Distributor Abingdon (Nashville, Tennessee)
Date 1977
Price $1.75
Concordance Title An Analytical Concordance to the Books of the Apocrypha3
Publisher/Distributor University Press of America (Lanham, Maryland)
Date 1978
Price Out of print

New American Bible

Concordance Title Dictionary-Concordance from the New American Bible
Publisher/Distributor Riverside World (Iowa Falls, Iowa)
Date 1970
Price $4.95

New International Version

Concordance Title The NIV Handy Concordance
Publisher/Distributor Zondervan
Date 1982
Price $4.95
Concordance Title The Holman Topical Concordance
Publisher/Distributor Holman
Date 1973
Price $8.95

New American Standard

Concordance Title The NASB Handy Concordance
Publisher/Distributor Zondervan
Date 1984
Price $5.95

As a service to our readers, BAS will order any available concordances at the prices listed in the charts. To order a concordance, write to Pamela Hicks, BAS, 3000 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20008. Include the name and address to which the concordance should be sent, as well as a check made out to BAS for the price.