This chart summarizes the inscriptions on the four bullae and two seals that have been identified, with a high degree of probability, with persons in the Bible. Including the patronymics (the fathers’ names), however, these inscriptions actually record the names of ten Biblical personages, one of whom (Neriah) is mentioned on two bullae.

Modern Hebrew

1. rpsh / whyrn ÷b / whykrbl

2. ûlmh ÷b / lamjryl

3. ÷pv ÷[b] / whyrmgl

4. whyrn / whyrsl

5. µlvm ÷b / whylxalf

6. whyqlj ÷ / b whydz[l

Transliteration Without Vowels

1. lbrkyhw / bn nryhw / hspr

2. lyrh m’l / bn hmlk

3. lgmryhw / [b]n spn

4. lsryhw / nryhw

5. l’zlyhw / bn mslmg

6. l’zryhw b/n hlqyhw

Transliteration with Vowels

1. LeBerekhyahu / ben Neriyahu / hasopher

2. LeYerahme’el / ben hamelekh

3. LeGemaryahu / ben Shaphan

4. LeSeriahu / Neriyahu

5. LeAzaliahu / ben Meshullamh

6. LeAzaryahu b/en Hilkiyahu

English Translation

1. belonging to Berekhyahu / son of Neriyahu / the scribe

2. belonging to Yerahme’el / son of the king

3. belonging to Gemaryahu / son of Shaphan

4. belonging to Seriahu / Neriyahu

5. belonging to Azaliahu / son of Meshullami

6. belonging to Azaryahu s/on of Hilkiyahu