Summer Study Abroad Programs in Archaeology
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The American School of Classical Studies at Athens offers summer programs for university students and high school and college teachers. The programs include extensive travel within Greece and visits to the school’s archaeological dig at the Athenian Agora. (Contact: Committee on the Summer Sessions; tel: 609–683-0800; e-mail:;Web site:
Beaver College sponsors programs on ancient Greece, Byzantine history and modern Greece. Possible site visits include Athens, Corinth, Olympia and the Greek Isles. The program is open to nontraditional students of all ages and experience. (Contact: Center for Education Abroad; tel: 215–572-2901; e-mail:; Web site:
College Year in Athens sponsors programs in ancient Greek archaeology, art history, classical languages, literature and philosophy. The summer program is open to all interested high school graduates. (Contact: Meyer Henderson; tel: 617–868-8200; e-mail:; Web site:
The Council Study Center at Monastir, Tunisia, hosts courses in Roman and Punic history and classical literature. The summer sessions are open only to enrolled college students with a grade point average of 2.75 or higher. (Contact: 1–800-40-STUDY; e-mail:; Web site:
Georgetown University offers a summer travel-study course for undergraduates and graduate students on “Life and Thought in Ancient Greece.” The itinerary includes trips to Athens, Sounion, Marathon, Thebes and Delphi. (Contact: Dr. Alexander Sens; tel: 202–687-6184; e-mail:; Web site:
The Greece Study Abroad Program, organized by the University of Georgia and Armstrong Atlantic State University, takes college students on a whirlwind tour of Classical, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine culture. The program involves visits to sites throughout Greece. (Contact: Dr. Erick Nordenhaug; tel: 912–921-7322; e-mail:; Web site:

International Academic Projects, based in London, England, sponsors several week-long summer seminars in archaeological drawing, replica-making and metallography. The classes include visits to Stonehenge and other archaeological sites in Great Britain. (Contact: James Black; tel: 44–207-380–0800;;
Web page:
The Iklaina Archaeological Project is a six-week travel-study course offered by the University of Manitoba in Canada. It combines two weeks of in-class seminars at the university with four weeks of fieldwork at the Iklaina archaeological dig in Greece. (Contact: M. Cosmopoulos; tel: 204–474-9171; e-mail:; Web
The Mugello Valley Archaeological Project combines excavation work at an Etruscan dig site near Florence with training in practical and theoretical archaeology and Etruscan history. The project is open to college students and college graduates. (Contact: Greg Warden; tel: 214–768-4068; e-mail:; Web site:
New York University’s School of Visual Arts offers a three-week travel-study course on “The Art and Myths of Ancient Greece.” Participants visit Athens, Delphi, Olympia, Mycenae, Tyre, Corinth, Mykonos and Delos. The course is open to anyone with one semester of college-level art history. (Contact: Dora Riomayor; tel: 212–592-2543; e-mail:
Rome of the Caesars is a two-week travel-study tour of Rome and Campania sponsored by the University of Evansville in Illinois. The tour (see photo, above) focuses on the history of Rome from the fifth century B.C. to the fourth century A.D. and includes stops in Naples, Pompeii, Ostia, Tivoli, Vesuvius and Baiae. The only requirement is an interest in Rome. (Contact: Steven Tuck; tel: 812–488-1049; e-mail:
The Summer School in Archaeology at the University of Malta offers a two-week course in archaeological theory and practice. Classes include regular excursions to Hagar Qim, Ggantija and other sites of archaeological interest on the islands of Malta and Gozo. Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible. (Contact: Jean Killick; tel: 356–234-121; e-mail:; Web site:
The University of Jordan Excavations at Khirbet Yajuz offers archaeology majors a chance to study various field techniques—including surveying, digging, drawing and excavation photography—while working on-site at an early Islamic dig. Only current archaeology majors and graduate students are accepted into the program. (Contact: Lutfi Khalil; tel: 962–6-535000, ext. 3746; e-mail:; Website:
The Western Connecticut State University Archaeology Field School in New Milford, Connecticut allows college students and interested adults to study fieldwork techniques without leaving the United States. Students participate in a three-day “training exercise” at a Native American dig site, where they learn how to excavate, clean, catalog and identify artifacts. (Contact: Laurie Wienstein; tel: 203–837-8453; e-mail:; Web site: