Upon thy grace and upon thy truth In the name of Yahweh we shall do and succeed Strong and mighty God blessed be thy name And blessed thy kingdom / As thou overpowered the sea with thy horses And hammered out the earth With thy shoe / And as thou prevailest over The trees in winter and the grass Of the land in summer / Thus be [subjugated] [—people of this village——] Before Yossei the son of Zenovia / Let My word and my command be upon them / As The heavens are subjugated before God And the earth is subjugated before mankind And mankind Is subjugated before death And death is subjugated before God / So shall the people Of this village be subjugated And defeated and subdued Before Yossei the son of Zenovia In the name of Hatoaa the angel Sent before Israel I make a sign / Zalach (success) Zalach amen Amen selah Haleluyah (praise ye the lord)