Leonidas of Rhodes (stadion, diaulos, hoplitodromos): 12 victories in four festivals from 164 B.C. to 152 B.C.
Herodoros of Megara (competition for heralds): 10 victories in ten festivals from 328 B.C. to 292 B.C.
Hermogenes of Xanthos (stadion, diaulos, hoplitodromos): 8? victories in three festivals from 81 to 89 A.D. (the Olympic Register is somewhat unclear).
Astylos of Kroton (stadion, diaulos, hoplitodromos): 7 victories in three festivals from 488 B.C. to 480 B.C.
Hipposthenes of Sparta (boys’ wrestling, wrestling): 6 victories in six festivals from 632 B.C. to 608 B.C.
Milo of Kroton (boys’ wrestling, wrestling): 6 victories in six festivals from 536 B.C. to 516 B.C.
Chionis of Sparta (stadion, diaulos): 6 victories in three festivals from 664 B.C. to 656 B.C.
Nero of Rome (competition for heralds, tragedy, lyre, tethrippon, foals tethrippon, 10-horse chariot): 6 victories in one festival in 67 A.D. (these games were later declared illegitimate).
Gorgos of Elis (diaulos, hoplitodromos, pentathlon): 6 victories in four festivals (dates unknown).
Aelius Granianus of Sikyon (diaulos, hoplitodromos, pentathlon): 5 victories in four festivals from 133 to 145 A.D.
Demetrios of Salamis (stadion, pentathlon): 5 victories in three festivals from 229 to 237 A.D.
Diogenes of Ephesus (competition for trumpeters): 5 victories in five festivals from 69 to 85 A.D.