Judeo-Christian Synagogue

The Judeo-Christian synagogue, later known as the Church of the Apostles (late first century A.D.).

Octagonal Church and Church of the Apostles

The Judeo-Christian synagogue, now known as the Church of the Apostles, next to an octagonal memorial church built by Theodosius I (c. 382 A.D.). Seen here as portrayed in the Pudentiana mosaic.

Hagia Sion Basilica

The Church of the Apostles is now an extension to the Hagia Sion basilica (415–1009 A.D.). They are seen here in plan, at left, and as portrayed in the Madaba mosaic map.

Crusader Church of St. Mary

The Church of the Apostles (c. 1110–1219 A.D.), now incorporated within the Crusader Church.