14th of Nisan(Ending at Sundown)
15th of Nisan(Beginning at Sundown)
Day of Preparationfor Passover.Passover lambsacrificed in lateafternoon.
Passover holidaybegins and a festiveSeder meal is held atnight. Passover lambis consumed.
Matthew 26–27, Mark 14–15and Luke 22–23
Jesus and his disciplesprepare for Passover.
Jesus and his discipleshold a Last Supper atthe time of the PassoverSeder. Jesus is arrestedthat night.
He is killed the next morning, which isthe day of the 15thof Nisan.
John 19
Jesus crucified whilethe Passover lambs arebeing sacrificed.
(The Last Supper is notmentioned by John, butit would have takenplace the night beforethe crucifixion or evenearlier.)