Biblical archaeology is now in the second decade of the 21st century. Many things have changed within this field, and with the very definition of its scholarship. This presentation surveys the different goals of Biblical archaeology since its infancy in the early 19th century, when the demand from Biblical archaeology was to prove the Bible […]
Multi-Video Sets
Redefining Biblical Archaeology
Rami Arav
A Deluge of Flood Stories: Flood Mythology, the Bible, and Aronofsky’s Noah
This presentation examines the origins of the biblical flood story, the character of Noah, and the legends of the Nephilim and giants passed down through Jewish literary tradition. The presentation compares these to Darren Aronofsky’s 2014 film Noah, highlighting points of congruence and departure in the film adaptation. This was part of The Genesis of […]
Biblical Archaeology: Is it Really the Spade in One Hand and the Bible in the Other?
Ellen White
Explore the history of Biblical archaeology, how it came to be and the archaeologists who made it happen. Examine the reasons why “Biblical archaeology” became a controversial phrase and the motives behind changing the discipline’s name. This was part of the Elusive Biblical Archaeology DVD.