The Bible: Word of God in Human Words
The Greek word synkatabasis refers to God’s “stooping” to meet human beings at their own level, just as a parent gets down on the floor and “lisps” to a child.
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Here I resume the discussion in my last two columns of BR. See “Reading an Ancient Book in a Modern World,” BR 12:05, and “The Bible Within the Bible,” BR 13:01.
See the essay, written from a Christian standpoint, by Richard B. Hays, “Salvation by trust? Reading the Bible faithfully,” in The Christian Century (January 26, 1997), pp. 218–223.
Quoted by Roland Murphy, The Psalms, Job Proclamation Commentaries (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1977), pp. 12–13.
Jon Levenson, Sinai and Zion: An Entry into the Jewish Bible (Minneapolis: Winston Press, 1985), p. 142.
See Ford Lewis Battles, “God Was Accommodating Himself to Human Capacity,” Interpretation 31 (1977), pp. 19–36.