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A broadroom is a rectangular room with its entrance on one of the long sides.


Solomon divided the country into 12 districts The boundaries of some of them did not follow old tribal lines, an apparent effort to break down old tribal loyalties.



For summaries of the results of past excavations, see G.I. Davies, Megiddo (Cambridge, 1986) and Aharon Kempinsky Megiddo: A City State and Royal Centre in North Israel (Munich, 1989).


The project is sponsored by the Israel Exploration Society and by the Israel Parks Authority, which maintains the site as a national park. Pennsylvania State University will take part in the expedition as a leading American sponsor and will be represented by Prof. Baruch Halpern, principal investigator and North American coordinator of the project. The project is funded by Earthwatch and its research corps. Other American, European and Israeli institutions will participate in the excavation consortium. The expedition will run an educational project for overseas students.


G. Schumacher, Tell el-Mutesellim 1 (Leipzig, 1908); C. Watzinger, Tell el-Mutesellim 2 (Leipzig, 1929).


For the final publication of the results, see the following titles by Oriental Institute Publications: R.S. Lamon, The Megiddo Water System (1935); H.G. May, Material Remains of the Megiddo Cult (1935); P.L.O. Guy, Megiddo Tombs (1938); R. Lamon and G.M. Shipton, Megiddo I (1939); G. Loud, The Megiddo Ivories (1939); G. Loud, Megiddo II. Seasons of 1935–1939 (1948).


Yigael Yadin, “Megiddo of the Kings of Israel,” Biblical Archaeologist 33 (1970), pp. 66–96.


Ussishkin attributes Palace 338 to this stratum, but other scholars would assign it to 9th-century B.C.E. Stratum IVA.