Colossae—Colossal in Name Only?
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1. See Mark R. Fairchild, “Laodicea’s ‘Lukewarm’ Legacy: Conflicts of Prosperity in an Ancient Christian City,” BAR, 43;02.
2. Francesco D’Andria, “Conversion, Crucifixion, and Celebration,” BAR, 37:04.
Alan H. Cadwallader and Michael Trainor, eds., Colossae in Space and Time: Linking to an Ancient City (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011), p. 248.
For the full pottery report on the Colossae hüyük, see Bahadir Duman and Erim Konakçi, “The Silent Witness of the Mound of Colossae: Pottery Remains,” in Alan H. Cadwallader and Michael Trainor, eds., Colossae in Space and Time: Linking to an Ancient City (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck Ruprecht, 2011), pp. 247–281.
Guide to Greece, the Archipelago, Constantinople, the Coasts of Asia Minor, Crete and Cyprus, 3rd ed. (London: Macmillan, 1908), p. 195.
Thomas Smith, Remarks upon the Manners, Religion and Government of the Turks Together with a Survey of the Seven Churches of Asia, as They Now Lye in their Ruins, and a Brief Description of Constantinople (London: Moses Pitt, 1678), p. 206.
Michael Trainor, Epaphras: Paul’s Educator at Colossae (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2008), p. 17.