Death in Louisville, Roman Style
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Recent publications on the art of non-elite Romans include L.H. Petersen, Questioning Roman “Freedman Art”: Ancient and Modern Constructions , Ph.D. dissertation (University of Texas at Austin, 2000); and J.R. Clarke, Art in the Lives of Ordinary Romans: Visual Representation and Non-Elite Viewers in Italy, 100 B.C.—A.D. 315 (Los Angeles, 2003).
Most of the information on Ballard Thruston’s life comes from The Encyclopedia of Louisville, J.E. Kleber, ed. (Lexington, KY: 2000), p. 882; T.D. Clark, “Rogers Clark Ballard Thruston, Engineer, Historian, and Benevolent Kentuckian,” The Filson Club History Quarterly 58.4 (October 1984), pp. 408–435; and P.M. Hessel, “The Ballard-Thruston Collection of Roman Funerary Monuments in the J.B. Speed Art Museum,” The Filson Club History Quarterly 63.4 (October 1989), pp. 419–38.
In 1913 Ballard Thruston was elected President General of the Sons of the American Revolution [Year Book of the Kentucky Society, Sons of the American Revolution (Louisville, KY: 1914), p. 14].
Ballard Thruston was accompanied by his brother, sister-in-law, and her brother, Credo Fitch Harris. The Louisvillians’ trip through Italy was the inspiration for a book written by Harris and published the following year: Motor Rambles in Italy (New York: 1912) is a quasi-fictional account of Harris’s journey from Baden-Baden to Rome. His travel companion is an Austrian count, Fritz von Brentheim, who is interested in ruins, ancient artifacts and photography (“kodaks”). Ballard Thruston may have been the inspiration for this charming and witty character. The book is illustrated with wonderful photographs, probably taken by Ballard Thruston, of sites and local people.
R. Turchetti, “Necropoli fuori Porta Salaria,” in Thomas Ashby, Un archeologo fotografa la campagna romana tra Ô800 e Ô900 (Rome: 1986).
References to the necropolis and transcriptions of several funerary inscriptions appeared in issues of the Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità and Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma between 1897 and 1907, as well as in volume 6 of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum.
Romische Graberstrassen: Selbstdarstellung-Status-Standard, H. Von Hesberg and P. Zanker, eds., (Munich: 1987); and Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae, M. Steinby, ed.(Rome: 1999), vol. 5, pp. 144–45 (“Via Salaria”).
See J.M.C. Toynbee, Death and Burial in the Roman World (Baltimore and London: 1996, 2nd ed.); and J.R. Patterson, “Living and Dying in the City of Rome: Houses and Tombs,” in Ancient Rome: The Archaeology of the Eternal City, J. Coulston and H. Dodge, eds. (Oxford: 2000), pp. 259–89.
For a discussion of similar epitaphs from Rome, see J. Bodel, “Thirteen Latin Funerary Inscriptions at Harvard University,” American Journal of Archaeology 96.1(January 1992), pp. 71–100.
See S.R. Joshel, Work, Identity, and Legal Status at Rome: A Study of the Occupational Inscriptions (Norman, OK, & London: 1992).
See H. Sigismund Nielsen, “Interpreting Epithets in Roman Epitaphs,” in The Roman Family in Italy: Status, Sentiment, Space, B. Rawson and P. Weaver, eds. (Oxford: 1997), pp. 169–204.
With the cooperation of The Speed Art Museum, the inscriptions are being studied by Classics Professor George Houston of UNC-Chapel Hill and the author. The material is being published on the website of the US Epigraphy Project (, an online database of Greek and Latin inscriptions in American collections.