

For more on eulogiai, see Gary Vikan, “‘Guided by Land and Sea’: Pilgrim Art and Pilgrim Travel in Early Byzantium,” in TESSERAE: Festschrift für Josef Engemann, Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, supp. vol. 19 (1991), pp. 74–92; and Byzantine Pilgrimage Art (Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks, 1982).


See P. van den Ven, “La vie ancienne de S. Syméon Stylite le Jeune (521–592),” in Subsidia Hagiographica 32 (Brussels: Société des Bollandistes, 1962 [part 1], 1970 [part 2]); and Harry J. Magoulias, “Lives of Byzantine Saints as Sources of Data for the History of Magic in the Sixth and Seventh Centuries A.D.: Sorcery, Relics, and Icons,” Byzantion 37 (1967), p. 256.


Vikan, “Two Unpublished Pilgrim Tokens in the Benaki Museum and the Group to Which They Belong,” in Thymiama: In Memory of Laskarina Bouras (Athens, 1993), pp. 341–346.


Vikan, “Pilgrims in Magi’s Clothing: The Impact of Mimesis on Early Byzantine Pilgrimage Art,” in The Blessings of Pilgrimage, Illinois Byzantine Studies 1, Robert Ousterhout, ed. (Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1990), pp. 97–107.