Has Mt. Sinai Been Found?
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I have since continued my study of rock art in this part of the world and have recently published a monograph entitled “The Rock Art of the Negev and Sinai,” which has appeared in Italian, French and German, but not yet in English.
A grant from the Fondazione C.A.B. of Brescia, Italy, supported our research in 1983–1984. Some private donors in the United States and in Europe have also contributed to our efforts. But, on the whole, fund-raising is one of the most depressing jobs for an archaeologist, and funds are never adequate. In Israel, the research is carried on within the framework of the Archaeological Survey of Israel, in collaboration with the Department of Antiquities and Museums of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The participants in this research include: Emmanuel Anati, director; Ariela Fradkin Anati, secretary; Gigi Cottinelli, Tiziana Cittadini, Ivonne Riano and Gianbattista Cottinelli, architects; Olga Pirelli, conservator; Avraham Hay and Daniel Anati, photographers; Larryn Diamond, geologist; Paola Pirelli and Giovanna Davini, botanists; Nancy Wise, recorder; Lucia Bellaspiga, Ida Mailland and Laura Valmadre, assistants. In addition, several of the expeditions were assisted by volunteers from the Field School of Mizpe Ramon; Gideon Avni and other archaeologists and guides from the Israel Department of Antiquities also helped us. In Italy, the cartography was carried on by Stefano Farina and Alessandra Angeloni; the analysis of aerial photographs by Tamar Piperna, the computerization of data by Franca Angeli and Antonio Guereira. A special acknowledgement is due to Rudolph Cohen, regional archaeologist of the Southern Region, and to Avi Eitan, director of the Department of Antiquities, for their support.
See “The Mysterious MB I People,” BAR 09:04.