Islam on the Temple Mount - The BAS Library

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Ahmad Ibn Yahya Baladhuri, Futuh al-Buldan (Leiden, 1866), trans. P.K. Hitti as The Origins of the Islamic State (New York, 1916).


Oleg Grabar, The Shape of the Holy: Early Islamic Jerusalem (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996).


Grabar, “The Umayyad Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem,” Ars Orientalis 3 (1959).


Grabar and Said Nuseibeh, The Dome of the Rock (New York: Rizzoli, 1996).


Pilgrim of Bordeaux, Guide to the Holy Land, quoted in M. Avi-Yonah, In the Days of Rome and Byzantium (Jerusalem, 1970), p. 142.


Moshe Sharon, “The ‘Praises of Jerusalem’ as a Source for the Early History of Islam,” Bibliotheca Orientalis 49:1/2 (1992), pp. 55–68.


al-Wasiti, Fada’il al-Bayt al-Muqaddas, ed. Izhak Hasson (Jerusalem, 1979), pp. 72ff.


See Avraham Ya‘ari, Igrot Eretz Yisrael (Tel Aviv, 1950), p. 134.


Nistarot de-Rabbi Shim‘on Bar Yohay (c. 750 A.D.), quoted in Adolph Jellinek, ed., Bet Ha-Midrasch (Leipzig, 1853), vol. 3, p. 79.