The avalanche of scholarly activity precipitated by the release of the Dead Sea Scrolls photographs continues unabated. The latest development is the announcement of a new journal, Dead Sea Discoveries: A Journal of Current Research on the Scrolls and Related Literature. Three issues per year, beginning in 1994, are planned, with one of the three devoted to a single theme. The articles will discuss new discoveries from historical, literary and archaeological perspectives in an effort to convey the latest findings to scholars in the fields of Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Judaism, Late Antiquity and archaeology. Most of the articles will appear in English, although occasional articles in French or German will also be published.
The journal’s projected masthead is almost a who’s who of Dead Sea Scroll studies. George J. Brooke, Lawrence H. Schiffman and James C. VanderKam will serves as editors, and the Editorial Board consists of Philip S. Alexander, Moshe J. Bernstein, John J. Collins, Devorah Dimant, Uwe Glessmer, Jonas C. Greenfield, A. van der Kooij, H. Lichtenberger, Florentino García Martínez, Bilhah Nitzan, Emile Puech, Eileen Schuller, Michael E. Stone, Emanual Tov and Eugene Ulrich.
A subscription price is not yet available from the publisher, E. J. Brill (P.O. Box 9000, 2300 PA Leiden, The Netherlands; phone: (31) 71 312624).
The avalanche of scholarly activity precipitated by the release of the Dead Sea Scrolls photographs continues unabated. The latest development is the announcement of a new journal, Dead Sea Discoveries: A Journal of Current Research on the Scrolls and Related Literature. Three issues per year, beginning in 1994, are planned, with one of the three devoted to a single theme. The articles will discuss new discoveries from historical, literary and archaeological perspectives in an effort to convey the latest findings to scholars in the fields of Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Judaism, Late Antiquity and archaeology. Most of the articles […]