Biblical Archaeology Review, September/October 1993

Dear Professor Strugnell and Professor Qimron,
Qumran Cave 4: Palaeo-Hebrew and Greek Biblical Manuscripts (Discoveries in the Judaean Desert, Volume 9)
Halfway through my most recent trip to Israel, I received a call from our Israeli attorney: Professor Qimron had obtained a court order preventing me from leaving the country, he said. I was now a prisoner in Israel. The order was obtained without any notification of the application being given to our attorney. He […]
Four participants in a Biblical Archaeology Society (BAS) seminar on the Dead Sea Scrolls were interviewed in a MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour report this past spring. The four had attended a BAS seminar at Guilford College, in Greensboro, North Carolina. Also interviewed was BAR contributor James Tabor, a featured speaker at the seminar. The 13-minute report, […]
Major developments in nearly every field related to the Dead Sea Scrolls have followed in the wake of their release. Research on the scrolls is burgeoning. Depositories of scroll photographs are doing their best to accommodate the needs of many scholars. The Israel Antiquities Authority is not only providing access to photographs, but to […]
The avalanche of scholarly activity precipitated by the release of the Dead Sea Scrolls photographs continues unabated. The latest development is the announcement of a new journal, Dead Sea Discoveries: A Journal of Current Research on the Scrolls and Related Literature. Three issues per year, beginning in 1994, are planned, with one of the […]
More ancient churches have been found in the Holy Land than in any area of comparable size in the world. About 330 different sites with ancient church remains have been identified in modern Israel, the West Bank and the Golan Heights east of the Sea of Galilee. At many of these sites, more than […]
In our previous issue (“The Philistines and the Dothans—An Archaeological Romance, Part 1,” BAR 19:04), archaeologists Moshe and Trude Dothan spoke with Hershel Shanks about their early years together, as were embarking on careers in archaeology and at the same time beginning a family They shared their impressions of the great women and men […]
The Gospels record an incident in the life of Jesus that took place at Capernaum involving a Roman centurion and his sick slave (Luke 7:1–10; for slightly different versions, see Matthew 8:5–13 and John 4:46–53). In the Lukan account, the Roman centurion sends elders of the Jews to ask Jesus to come and heal […]
There it is in the heart of the British countryside I of East Anglia: the largest, the most detailed and the most accurate model of Jerusalem’s Second Temple ever built.