Solomon’s Negev Defense Line Contained Three Fewer Fortresses - The BAS Library

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They are Horvat Ritma, Horvat Mesora and the fortress at Mesad Nahal Haro‘a—opposite Atar Haro‘a. Har Raviv was excavated in 1979 by the author. Now, as the spring excavations have shown, there are several architectural differences between the three square Persian fortresses and that of Har Raviv. We believe today that the fortress at Har Raviv can be included in the rectangular fortress type of Solomon’s era (tenth century B.C.).



Ze’ev Meshel, “Horvat Ritma—An Iron Age Fortress in the Negev Highlands,” Tel Aviv 4 (1977), pp. 110–135.


The Horvat Ritma fortress obviously conformed to Type B in Yohanan Aharoni’s classification of fortresses from the Iron Age in Aharoni, “Forerunners of the Limes: Iron Age Fortresses in the Negev,” Israel Exploration Journal 17 (1967), pp. 1–17, esp. p. 6.


And also in my technical report: Rudolph Cohen, “The Iron Age Fortress in the Central Negev,” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 236, Fall 1979, p. 61.


In addition, the remains of a fort (stratum V) were uncovered; we assume that this fort had a similar ground plan to that of the square fortresses I now date here to the Persian period. Cohen, Archaeological Survey of Israel Map of Sede Boqer East (168) (Jerusalem, 1981), site 65.


Cohen, “Did I Excavate Kadesh-Barnea?” BAR 07:03; “A Fortress from the Time of the Judean Kingdom,” Israel Museum Publication, pp. xvii–xix; “Excavations at Kadesh-Barnea, 1976–1982,” Qadmoniot XVI (1983), pp. 2–14, esp. pp. 12–13.


Ephraim Stern, Material Culture of the Land of the Bible in the Persian Period (Jerusalem, 1973 [in Hebrew]), pp. 241–244; English version (Warminster, Eng.: Aris & Phillips/Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1983), pp. 246–247.


See Nahman Avigad, “Bullae and Seals from a Post-Exilic Judean Archive,” Qedem, 4 (1976), pp. 21–29.


Herodotus, History, Book III, Chapters 5, 91.


Avraham Negev, “The Date of the Petra-Gaza Road” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 98 (1966), pp. 89–98; Cohen, “New Light on the Petra-Gaza Road,” Biblical Archeologist 45 (1982), pp. 240–247.