

For a comprehensive study of these tombstones, which were entrusted by Dr. Konstantinos Politis for publication to Dr. Yiannis Meimaris of the National Hellenic Research Foundation in Athens, Greece, see Yiannis E. Meimaris and Kalliope I. Kritikakou-Nikolaropoulou, Inscriptions from Palaestina Tertia, vols. Ia and Ib (Supplement). The Greek Inscriptions from Ghor es-Safi (Byzantine Zoora). Meletemata 41, 57 (Athens 2005, 2008).


See Yiannis E. Meimaris and Kalliope I. Kritikakou-Nikolaropoulou, “The Greek Inscriptions,” in Konstantinos D. Politis, ed., Sanctuary of Lot at DeirAinAbata in Jordan. Excavations 1988–2003 (Amman 2011), pp. 388–389. See also Konstantinos Politis, “Where Lot’s Daughters Seduced Their Father,BAR 30:01, p. 28.