The “Three Shekels” and “Widow’s Plea” Ostraca: Real or Fake?
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See Hershel Shanks, “Three Shekels for the Lord,” BAR 23:06.
See “Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due” BAR 27:02 and
Pierre Bordreuil, Felice Israel and Dennis Pardee, “Deux Ostraca Paleo-Hebreux de la Collection Sh. Moussaieff,” Semitica 46 (1997), p. 49.
Frank Moore Cross of Harvard, P. Kyle McCarter of Johns Hopkins University and André Lemaire of the Sorbonne.
Israel Eph’al and Joseph Naveh, “Remarks on the Recently Published Moussaieff Ostraca,” Israel Exploration Journal 49 (1998), p. 269.
Angelika Berlejung and Andreas Schüle, “Erwägungen zu den neuen Ostraka aus der Sammlung Moussaieff,” Zeitschrift für Althebräistic 11 (1998), pp. 68–73.